Everything you need to know, and then some.
What you need to know
The first and last days of all hunts are for packing in and out of camps, regardless if you are hunting out of our base camps that you can drive to. Hunters have to arrive at Murphy Hot Springs the morning of the first day of your scheduled hunt. Hunters are responsible for their room, board and transportation prior to their scheduled hunt.
Range of shooting is anywhere from 50 to 300 yards. Know your weapon and spend time at the range before you arrive. The great thing about hunting in the Jarbidge is that you rarely see other hunters, and we allow only four hunters in camp at one time, unless you are a party of more than four.
Your all-inclusive hunt includes: lodging, food, guides, horses, transportation, and caping and skinning of animals during your hunt.
All hunts require a non-refundable deposit at time of scheduling and balance is due two weeks prior to opening day of the season hunt.
Alcohol is not included in any service.
All guests and hunters will be required to sign a release of liability. Jarbidge Wilderness Guide and Packing is not responsible for the hunter's physical condition, adverse weather, misses, turndowns, game movement, or hunters that do not complete their hunt for any reason. Jarbidge Wilderness Guide and Packing reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
Explore the links below containing helpful information about big game hunting in Nevada.
Acquiring a big game tag
Residents and non-residents have to apply for big game tags in Nevada through a lottery system. Non-residents can apply with a licensed guide through a tag application program for mule deer. This tag allocation program is set up by taking a percentage of the non-resident quota for mule deer and setting it aside for the outfitter drawing. This program is completed before the general drawing. Mule deer is the only species that is set up for an outfitter drawing. All other big game species must be applied for through the general drawing, except for mountain lion. Mountain lion tags are issued to all applicants who apply. If you were born after 1960, you must show proof of completion of a hunter safety course before you can apply for any big game species.
How to get here
All guests flying in commercially must schedule flights into Twin Falls, Idaho. Hunters flying in privately can fly into a mile-long grass strip just above Murphy's Hot Springs on the canyon rim. Guests driving in can take State Route 225 north out of Elko and come into Jarbidge from the Charleston Road. This road is always dependent on the weather. Guests driving in can also take Highway 93 north out of Wells, Nevada or south out of Twin Falls, Idaho until you come to Rogerson, Idaho. When you get to Rogerson, Idaho, you head due west 50 miles to Murphy's Hot Springs. Accommodations can be reserved at the Tsawhawbitts Bed and Breakfast in Jarbidge, Nevada for those who are arriving the evening before their scheduled hunt. Reservations can be made by calling Chuck & Krinn McCoy at 775-488-2338.